Venison Dinner Hash
I loved spending the night with my grandparents when I was a kid. Actually, I was well into my 20s on the last occasion I spent the night in their house! They lived in a small house that Grandpa built a few years after they were married in 1940. Other than adding a bathroom and space for washer and dryer at some point, I don’t think much ever changed from the original house.
I would sleep in Grandma’s bedroom on Grandpa’s WWII cot that he set up at the foot of her bed. That set-up didn’t leave much room for moving around. I would awake in the morning to the smell of fried potatoes, bacon, and eggs, or if I was really lucky, hash.
Brief History of Hash
Hash has a pretty rooted history and was part of our culture long before Hormel introduced it to us in the 1950s. I remember Grandpa talking about eating it as a child of the Depression, although not typically with corned beef – or any meat at all.
We’re most familiar with the corned beef version, but roast beef is another common meat ingredient. Hash has also been a way to use up and remake leftovers, especially in tough times when wasting food was near sacrilege. While we consider hash a breakfast food served with eggs and toast, it can easily be transformed into a filling dinner.
Deer Season
Currently, my freezer is packed full of venison. I’m grateful that Chili loves to hunt and is usually very successful. Last year, we ended up with three deer in the freezer! I was tempted to buy a third freezer! In total, we had 65 pounds of ground venison at the end of the last hunting season. That didn’t include steaks, chops, loins, and stew meat or summer sausage! Whew!
Needless to say, I’ve been trying to find ways of eating the end of our ground venison before hunting season begins. So, I pulled out my 1978 “The New Hamburger Cookbook” and thumbed through it. One of the recipes is “one-pot meal”, which I thought was a pretty original. Hrm.
Anyhow, the recipe reminded me of hamburger hash. So, that’s what I made for dinner tonight – with venison, of course!

I never know if Noodle will eat what I put in front of her. She’s a bit finicky but she asked for seconds! And then for thirds! She also drowned it in ketchup, but I’m okay with that!
Leftover dinner hash is great the next morning for breakfast with an over-easy egg on top! The runny egg yolk will mix with the cheese and create a scrumptious sauce!
Could this be made with left-over venison roast? I have a difficult time repurposing left overs without them being too tough or dried out.
Absolutely! I make hash with leftovers most of the time, to be honest. Precooked meat can be tossed into the dish near the end so it doesn’t get too tough or dry out – just enough time to heat it through.
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