Memorial Day 2015
I wanted to share a few photos from the Memorial Day ceremony at Woodlawn Cemetery in Carbondale, Illinois.
Woodlawn is our oldest cemetery and is where all of the founding fathers were laid to rest. Our ceremony includes laying wreathes on their graves, along with other veterans. Next year will mark the 150th anniversary of the first Decoration Day observance in Carbondale which was held in APril of 1866.

Uncle Harvey gave the keynote address, urging people to get involved in our community and make change for the better. Uncle Harvey’s pretty awesome!

Wreath were placed at various graves in the cemetery, including Carbondale founding father, Daniel Harmon Brush.
Another wreath was placed at the Unknown Soldiers’ Monument.
Admittedly, even as I tool photos of the salute by Company C of the 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry, I jumped … at every shot fired. I always do.
Noodle had her fingers in her ear for this one! The Veteran of Foreign Wars Teeter-Carter-Watson Post 2605 fired off a salute to the dead. These men and women, many of whom have been a part of my life, also advanced the colors … and raised the flag.
Memorial Day is our official day of remembrance. I hope, among BBQs and cookouts, you were able to take time to remember those who made – and make – it possible for us to have the life we do in the USA. God bless.