52 Ancestors #15: The conundrum of James Lindsay
Piecing together family history from 18th and 19th century published genealogies is like putting together a puzzle with frayed pieces … nothing fits quite as perfectly as you’d like. It seems, at least, that the Lindsay Clan was established well enough in Scotland to merit some record keeping. There are variety of books and publications from ages passed that shed a little light on our origins in both Scotland and America.
My favorite Lindsay reference books are listed below and are available from Google Books.
- The Lindsays of America, 1889, by Margaret Isabella Lindsay
- The Lives of the Lindsays, Volumes 1-3, 1849, by Lord Lindsay (Alexander William Crawford Lindsay
The lack of available records notwithstanding, my issue with this lineage is their innate ability to use Caleb, James, David and John – later William and Joshua – in every family unit in every generation. I’m only slightly exaggerating as these are ancient Christian names and were held in high regard by the Lindsay Clan; it makes the Lindsay puzzle even more difficult to put together!
James Lindsay (1623-1674)
James Lindsay is my 8th great grandfather … and he’s a bit of a conundrum. I’ve traced my own Lindsay line back to him and beyond, but the records on James himself are contradictory.
By all accounts, James is the second son of Sir Jerome Lindsay (1577-1642). James’ older brother, David, is heralded as the first recorded Lindsay of my particular lineage to set foot on American soil in 1645.
Who’s Your Mama?
James Lindsay was born in Annatland, Angusshire, Scotland in between 1600 and 1623 to Sir Jerome Lindsay, Lord of Annatland. That’s a good range of possible birth years, but I’ve seen both listed with 1623 the predominate year.
Some sources put James and David as full brothers, their mother being Margaret Colville (first wife of Jerome), while others name Margaret only as David’s mother and Agnes Lindsay (second wife of Jerome) as James’ mother.
The DNA chart found on the Clan Lindsay website confirms the former of the theories, but James’ supposed birthdate is after the death of his mother.

Arrival to America
James arrived in America between 1635 and 1647, the latter being the prominent year found in various sources. Either way, James likely fled Scotland as a result of the political upheaval surrounding Charles I.
He settled in Gloucester County, Virginia where he later had a land grant for 390 acres. James had four sons: Joshua (1650-1720), William (b.1654), Caleb (1664-1717, my line), and Adam (1668-1751).
What I can’t pin down is who the boys’ mother was. I have one source that says a Mary Torrell (1621-1654), but her death predates the two eldest boy’s birthdates. I’m still digging for some sort of proof. I would even take disproof at this point!
James died in July of 1674 and was returned to Scotland for burial. He was laid to rest in Midlothia, Scotland.
The Search Continues
While I’m sure there is something amiss among all of these puzzle pieces, I’m fairly certain the story is correct, dates notwithstanding. The Lindsay Clan is one I will always be tracing … there are just SO many of them, and I’ve found historical genealogies tend to contradict each other.
For every question answered, many more are asked.
Have you found anything new on the question of James and his mysterious birth date/mother? This is something of a puzzle to me too. I am also one Caleb’s grandchildren – through Marvil and the Jefferson’s
Hi Laura. I haven’t unearthed anything new yet. James is one of those ancestors who’s always in the back of my mind even when I’m looking for other things … so I’m hopeful this mystery will be solved someday!
The dates I have for Mary Ann Torrell is b. 1621 d. 1676. Don’t remember my source. Sorry but I’ll go with that.
I have also been researching the family of Sir Jerome Lindsay and his two wives, Margaret Colville and Lady Agnes Lindsay. I have discovered two sons named James. James 1605-1642 and Sir James, 1623-1674. How does one have two sons named James and one a Sir James? My line is also descended from Caleb and I would like to solve the puzzle of who is his real mother and father. I will keep looking.
Interesting about the two sons named James. I’ve seen that when a son dies young, another son born later is given the same name. It’s an everlasting puzzle, I’m afraid!
Hey there cousins.
I am descended from Caleb’s son James Williams.
Hey there! Glad you stopped by for a visit!
It’s been several years since this post…have you found any more info? My husband’s 8th-great grandfather is Caleb, we think. I found a document saying his father, James, is “a son of the David, Earl of Lindsay, of Scotland, who, through rebellion, or some political cause, had forfeited his estates to the Crown.” I found another document saying James “appears in the family records…as the second son of Sir Jerome Lindsay of Annatland” and that according to other writings it seems this is probable. I know both sources are talking about the same James though, because both sources list Caleb as James’ son and “Miss Clare” as Caleb’s wife. I’m wondering if the source that says James’ father is David actually means his grandfather, Jerome’s father, Rev. David. What do you think?
Hi Laura, I’m interested in the sources you found… you’ve gotten closer than I’ve been able to. Albeit, haven’t had much time as of late to do research. The Earls of Lindsay didn’t come around until 1633 when John Lindsay, 10th Lord Lindsay created the Earl of Lindsay. So, not sure what to make of your source stating James is a son of David, Earl of Lindsay. I wonder if that’s Earl of Crawford? Lots of David Lindsay’s in that group. I’ve seen the source listing James as the 2nd son of Jerome – I think this is discussed in the Lindsey’s of America source I listed in my post, although I’d have to go back and find it now. Feel free to contact me directly if you want (rootedinfoods@gmail.com).
This is from GOOGLE GENI. The author says the following:
Sir Jerome Lindsay of Annatland, created on 6-17-1621. Lyon King of Arms (in succession of Sir David Lindsay of Rathillet) whose daughter he married as his second wife and she bore him, James Lindsay, the father of Caleb, Joshua, Adam and William Lindsay. Sources Quoted from Jume Hunt’s book, “The Family of James Lindsey” ANNATLAND. – See Lives, tom. i. p. 394. – Descended of Edzell. – Walter younger of Edzell, who ? 1513, had issue Alex., his second son, – father of David, minister of Leith and Bishop of Ross, ? 1613, – father of Sir Jerome L., first of Duninno, afterwards of Annatland, Lord Lion King-at-Arms, ? 1642, who married first, Marg. Colville, who ? before 10 May, 1603, and had issue David, baptized 2 Jan. 1603; secondly, Agnes, d. of Sir David L. of the Mount, Lion King, and had issue James L. of the Mount, so designed in 1643 and afterwards, Clerk of the Exchequer in 1661, and who ? 1674. – Lindsay of the Mount, 1710. – See America.
Source: http://www.frostandgilchrist.com/getperson.php?personID=I9074&tree=frostinaz01
Sir Jerome Lindsay of Annatland, created on 6-17-1621. Lyon King of Arms (in succession of Sir David Lindsay of Rathillet) whose daughter he married as his second wife and she bore him, James Lindsay, the father of Caleb, Joshua, Adam and William Lindsay.
Quoted from Jume Hunt’s book, “The Family of James Lindsey”
This is from GOOGLE GENI. The author says the following:
Sir Jerome Lindsay of Annatland, created on 6-17-1621. Lyon King of Arms (in succession of Sir David Lindsay of Rathillet) whose daughter he married as his second wife and she bore him, James Lindsay, the father of Caleb, Joshua, Adam and William Lindsay. Sources Quoted from Jume Hunt’s book, “The Family of James Lindsey” ANNATLAND. – See Lives, tom. i. p. 394. – Descended of Edzell. – Walter younger of Edzell, who ? 1513, had issue Alex., his second son, – father of David, minister of Leith and Bishop of Ross, ? 1613, – father of Sir Jerome L., first of Duninno, afterwards of Annatland, Lord Lion King-at-Arms, ? 1642, who married first, Marg. Colville, who ? before 10 May, 1603, and had issue David, baptized 2 Jan. 1603; secondly, Agnes, d. of Sir David L. of the Mount, Lion King, and had issue James L. of the Mount, so designed in 1643 and afterwards, Clerk of the Exchequer in 1661, and who ? 1674. – Lindsay of the Mount, 1710. – See America.
This is from GOOGLE GENI. The author says the following:
Sir Jerome Lindsay of Annatland, created on 6-17-1621. Lyon King of Arms (in succession of Sir David Lindsay of Rathillet) whose daughter he married as his second wife and she bore him, James Lindsay, the father of Caleb, Joshua, Adam and William Lindsay. Sources Quoted from Jume Hunt’s book, “The Family of James Lindsey”
I just started researching my partner’s family tree and I have found out that he is a descendent of Caleb Lindsey’s son Dennis Lindsey. I had a friend help with some research and found that out through her work. I would be interested to see how we are connected.
Hi Donna. I don’t have a Dennis Lindsey in my family tree, so it’s hard to tell. There are a ton of us “cousins” where I live, too.
Hi Niki! I am a descendant of Caleb Lindsey as well – from his son, Col. James Williams Lindsey and Sarah Lucy Daniel. I too would love to solve the mystery… I am just beginning my foray into genealogy. I found one source that references a Susannah (White) Lindsey as his mother, and that Caleb was born in Scotland in 1648 or 1664 (I have seen both dates, and some say Scotland and some say Virginia). Susannah appears to have died circa 1665 in Scotland, so in that case she could have been his mother. I know this doesn’t quite fit with your timeline of when Caleb’s father, Sir James Isaac Lindsey, came from Scotland to Virginia. This is mainly what I am going off of: https://www.ancestry.com/genealogy/records/caleb-lindsey-th-gt-grandfather-24-13cmqz2
I’ve seen a lot of info/references on MyHeritage.com where I am building my family tree that align more with the research you’ve done on Caleb, so I would be interested to hear whether you’ve considered the Susannah White/born in Scotland possibility.
Hi cousin! I actually don’t have Susannah in my family tree but will definitely took more into it. This line of the Lindsey’s is quite the conundrum because there is a lot of conjecture about who the father of Rev Caleb Lindsey (1778-1853) is. There are also a lot of men named Caleb and James in this line! The Lindsey Clan has a great DNA project… check it out if you haven’t already. Feel free to reach out via email if you want to chat more.
Your research notes are very interesting. I am just checking if it is known who the children are of James Lindsay 1623-1674. He died in VA if I am not mistaken. But I am looking for children who might not have ventured with him to the US and stayed behind in Scotland. I have several 5-8th generation matches on ancestry which refers their trees to this man. At the moment my oldest known generation is only birth of 1799 with Lanarkshire Scotland and Donegal Ireland connections. Thanks if the children are known. Lindsey
Hi Lindsey. I have 4 children listed for James in my tree on Ancestry, but have not taken time to confirm them. My tree is public if you want to take a look. I’m Niki Davis on Ancestry. I’ll try to find you, too.
I too am a descendant of Caleb Lindsey b.1660-1717, all the way down the line to Clovis Henry Lindsey, who is my grandfather, his daughter, Janet Lindsey is my mother. I just started researching my ancestors a few weeks ago. I have been using familysearch.org There was a family tree that someone had already started, I added a few things on my mom’s side, as well as my dad’s side, Littlejohn. I am loving all the information I am discovering, so much good stuff. While looking through some of it I saw your page, so I wanted to say HELLO!
Jason Lindsey
Helllooo, cousin! Thanks for visiting. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions. I use Family Search, but am also on Ancestry with my family tree.
My great grandmother was Elizabeth Bell Lindsay Soland. Her parents were James L Lindsay and Ann R Montgomery . They lived in Nauvoo, Il. I can not find out the preceding generations . Help!
Hi Randall. None of my Lindsey’s lived in or near Nauvoo, so I won’t be much help I’m afraid. You might look at Family Search. Their records are extensive.
We just started working on our Lindsay heritage. We have been on familysearch.org and have managed to trace our family back to a James Lindsay in Campbell, Virginia. He was married to Rachael Lindsay. He was born in 1780 and died 1862. We seem to have come to a deadend. We cannot find out who his parents were and if they came over from Scotland. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much, Ralph & Lorna Lindsay
Hi Lorna, you may be in the same family line I am. My Rev. Caleb Lindsey (1778-1853) had a brother James, but the years don’t quite match up. I also can’t determine who this James married – or if he married. This is about the time my brick wall goes up, too. Anything I’ve tracked farther back is speculation at the moment. Clan Lindsay has a great DNA project – https://lindsay.one-name.net/dna/ – you might have some luck there. I’m on Family Search… feel free to connect there, too. I don’t log on much, but check my messages when I do.
Do you have a male Lindsay that could test at the Lindsay International DNA surname project? I can send the link to look at or you can Google it.
Thanks… I’m several generations removed from the Lindsey side of the family.
I am a descendant of David Lindsay & Rossana (1770-1857) followed by David Lindsay & Isabella GREEN 1806-1896 followed by Andrew James ROWAN m Ann Jane LINDSAY1824-1914, my grandmother Sarah Rowan m Edwin GANNELL 1865-1954, my mother Alma GANNELL m Norman SANDFORD1907-2005 then me Shirley WILSON .m Peter Wilson 1941- Then I have a William LINDSAY on the ROWAN side married to Annie?
Hi Shirley, I’m not attached to this line – or at least don’t know that I am. Sorry I can’t help… there are a lot of Lindseys/Lindsays and it can be frustrating trying to connect older dots!